Publisher & Founding Editor, Healthcare Real Estate Insights
Murray W. Wolf is Publisher and Founding Editor of Healthcare Real Estate Insights, which was launched in January 2003 and remains the nation’s only publication dedicated to healthcare real estate development, financing, and investment. He is an experienced media executive and an award-winning journalist with more than three decades of marketing, communications, and publishing experience, almost exclusively in the commercial real estate sector. Mr. Wolf also serves as Managing Principal of Wolf Marketing & Media, which he founded in 2001. In addition to the monthly HREI magazine, the firm publishes the annual HREI Resource Guide directory of healthcare real estate services, hosts the newly redesigned and expanded website, and presents the annual HREI Insights Awards recognizing excellence in healthcare real estate development and executive leadership. Wolf Marketing also has a marketing communications agency division that provides public relations, advertising, direct marketing, and related services to third-party clients including developers, lenders, investors, REITs, and other commercial real estate-related clients. Mr. Wolf’s previous professional experience included management and executive positions with the national media firms Meredith Corp. and Hanley Wood. He earned an MBA with a triple concentration in Marketing, Management of Organizations and International Business from the Columbia University Graduate School of Business in New York and a BS in Mass Communications with an emphasis in Advertising from Minnesota State University in Moorhead, Minn.